Original and unpublished studies on scientific, technical research and problem-oriented applications in various disciplines of earth sciences can be presented at the congress. Papers can be given on behalf of individuals and/or organizations. A person can present a maximum of two abstracts orally. Abstracts must be submitted via conference website (http://tjk.jmo.org.tr/) and allocated to a Specific Session. For a complete listing of Specific Sessions, please visit the Kurultay website. Please note that abstracts must be SUBMITTED before the deadline (24 January 2025). All submitted abstracts will be subjected to a peer review and the decision of abstract acceptance will be judged by session convener(s) and/or by expert reviewers.
All abstracts accepted for both oral and poster presentation will be published on the Kurultay Abstract Book. Full texts are also planned to be published as special issues in JMO and/or international periodicals. Developments on this subject will be announced on the web page of the Congress as soon as possible.
Oral Mode
The normal length of an oral presentation is 15 minutes, including minutes for discussion.
Data show will be available in all conference rooms. The speakers’ information will be available at meeting’s web-site at least 8 weeks prior to the meeting at the very latest.
Poster Mode
For each poster, free standing display boards which provide display space approximately 120 cm high and 90 cm wide, will be allocated. A prize for the BEST POSTER will be awarded by the Programme Committee at the end of the Kurultay and the following criteria are used to evaluate the posters and choose a winner: visual impact, clarity and scholarly contribution. The award will be presented to the recipient at closing ceremony.
Authors are encouraged to submit poster papers, since poster sessions minimize conflicts caused by the many parallel sessions and since there is more time reserved for the presentation and for the viewing of poster papers than for oral ones.
Guidelines for Poster Presentations
Abstract Submission
Participants who wish to give a presentation (oral* or poster) must submit an Abstract in the style, layout and format and in accordance with guidelines outlined in the Conference Website. We recommend that the actual text of the abstract is carefully compiled and thoroughly checked, in particular with regard to the list of authors, before submission in order to avoid last minute changes. Abstracts must be associated to a Session of the Kurultay Scientific Programme, and the submission of an abstract carries with it the obligation that it is actually presented at the Kurultay by the author or, at least, by one of the co-authors.
Abstracts are to be submitted electronically using ‘online submission link’ at www.tjk.jmo.org.tr and we do not accept abstracts in hard copy* or camera-ready version. Please note that authors have to register first to the abstract submission system.
All abstracts must arrive before January* 24, 2025. Each participant may submit up two abstracts in which they appear as presenting author. The Scientific Committee reserves the right to acceptor refuse contributions on the basis of the abstracts. Participants are invited to submit their papers to any of the sessions they wish. The authors may choose either oral* orposter form for presentation of their paper, but please indicate your preference for presentation.
The Scientific* Committee* will* take* the* author’s* preference* for* oral* or poster* session* into* full* consideration,* but* the* final* decision* will* be made* by* the* Committee. Submission* of an abstract means the work is original and has not been submitted elsewhere.
All abstracts will be compiled and published in an Abstract Volume. Participants will receive the Volume upon check-in at the Convention Center. We wish to publish selected complete papers in national and International Journals in the form of thematic and/or special issues* or even a bundle of thematic papers in a journal, if satisfactory arrangement can be made.
Authors whose abstract has been received and successfully processed will receive and acknowledgement regarding the receipt and status of their contribution as* well as* its Abstract Identification Number* for future updating/correction* or withdrawal, respectively.
Style, Layout and Format of Abstracts
Abstract Style
Abstracts should be short, clear, concise and written both in Turkish and English with correct spelling and good sentence structure. For non-Turkish participants Organizing Committee will provide a help to translate abstracts to Turkish. Mathematical symbols and equations must be typed in, and metric symbols should be used. Standard abbreviations may be used. Each abstract should include title, author(s), institution(s), country, postal code and e-mail of the corresponding author. Please use following example (given in ‘Abstract Layout’ section) when you prepare your abstract.