Jeoloji Mühendisleri Odası

77. Geological Congress Of Türkiye

Theseventy-seventh Geological Congress of Türkiye, one of our country`s oldest andmost prestigious scientific organizations, will be held between 14 and 18 April2025 at MTA General Directorate Culture Site. The main theme is `Mining and Environment.` 

Anatolia, withits geological structure and rich mineral deposits, has a profound historicalsignificance. It has hosted the oldest mining activities in history, whichstarted thousands of years ago and played a pivotal role in the cultural andeconomic development of civilizations. The close relationship between humanhistory and mining is evident, with some mines even giving their names tohistorical eras. Today, the development of civilization is intricately linkedto the development of mining.

Earth Science Engineers play a crucial role in all stages, fromexploration to discovery, operation, and post-operation rehabilitation. With the increasing needs of civilization, mining has become widespread, from sea floors to deserts, from the peaks of high mountains to plains, and is now carried out in enterprises spread over areas of kilometers square.

Despite themining and environmental policies developed by countries, widespread miningactivities have threatened the environment.  This situation has been takeninto consideration by the United #Nations,and various programs and principles have been developed to manage theenvironmental #impactsof mining activities and support sustainable development.

In the 17 Sustainable Development Goalsadopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 2015, #attention was drawn to the impacts ofmining on the environment, and the aim was to reduce this #impact. In particular,targets such as `Clean Water and Sanitation` (Goal 6), `Responsible Production #and Consumption` (Goal12), and Climate Action` (Goal 13) aim to promote environmentally friendly #practices in the miningsector. In line with these targets, issues such as conducting mining activities#without pollutingnatural resources, improving waste management, and reducing carbon emissions #are emphasized.

Developing environmentally friendly miningtechniques, efficient use of resources, and protection of #natural life are nowcritical issues in today`s geological science. Sustainable mining is an approach that #aims to minimize damage to the environmentand ecosystems while obtaining natural resources. In #this context, geoscience engineers areexpected to determine the possible effects on the ecosystem of #the region by examiningthe geological structure of the region where the resource is to be extracted #in detail, as well asfinding and evaluating mineral deposits, making geological analyses, makingplans #for theprotection of groundwater resources and soil structure in the region where themining process #willbe carried out.

Our Congress is a platform that aims toprovide accurate and effective information to society and #decision-makers. Itfocuses on crucial issues such as the exploration and discovery of minerals,which #arefundamental to the development of our civilization, and the measures needed tominimize the #environmentalimpact of mining activities. Additionally, our congress serves as a forum fordiscussing #basicissues related to geosciences and promoting communication among researchersdedicated to geosciences.

Our 77th Congress will be realisedsuccessfully and in a manner befitting the geoscience community #with the participationand contributions of our esteemed colleagues. We would also like tostate in #advancethat we would be happy to receive support from fellow geoscientists inorganising special #sessions, exhibitions, panels, technical tours or social events during the Congress.

#Organising Committee