Jeoloji Mühendisleri Odası

History of the Congress


Geological Congress of Turkey


In order to develop and progres thescience of geology in our country, explain its position and importance inscience and application life, ensure the resources of the country by researching in a planned manner and lead the development of the country`s industry, reveal the role of urban and rural development and engineering services to meetthe needs of working in different fields of this science, the Geological Society of Turkey, which was established under the Presidency of Hamit Nafiz PAMİR on 14.07.1946, puts "Organizing scientific and professional conferences and meetings" in the first order of the goals and methods determined to achieve these goals (Turkish Geological Institution Regulation,

The institution holds its first official meetingin October 1947 at the General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration Institute. In the opening speech of the meeting, emphasizing the importance of keeping this institution alive and ensuring the continuity of the meetings of the Institution, Hamit Nafiz PAMİR repeatedly stressed that itis necessary to hold meetings with wide participation in order for the institution to live and to discuss the results of research and practice in these meetings, ”First of all, when creating such a society, it isnecessary to think about how we can live it. The vitality of society, whether uniform o r not in the early times, is limited only by the fact that meetings canbe held an d that more friends come to these meetings as much as possible an d presentthe results of the research to the field of debate for all of us. I do not havetime to attend meetings, my official affairs are not available for this;o rmyfamily affairs take a lot of time, so I cannot devote the time and money needed for meetings, such as words, varit for some of us, but mostly excusesthat are not expected from civilized people. Every civilized person has asociety,o rat least a club, in which they continue. If those who believe the importance of such a society are considered to be one of the main duties of its maintenance, such excuses disappear.” Going to the meeting of thesociety would be like going to a lecture at the university, perhaps going tohis job in the apartment. After considering this belief and this duty, time and money are everything. Today, it has been learned all over the world that the size and power of nations are measured by their efficiency in scientific fields. All other factors are the second an d third degree. Every science follower has to raise his own discipline in his hometown. He expresses that it is also our duty to raise and develop the science of geology. (Opening Speech of the Geological Institution; Journal of the Geological Institution of Turkey, Volume 1, Number, 1).

With these considerations, the first scientific meeting is held in the MTA headquarter under the name of "1947 Scientific and Technical Congress of the Geological Institution of Turkey". 

In line with the goals and objectives set by the "Scientific and Technical Board" headed by Hamit Nafiz PAMİR in1947, its acceleration takes place in the form of scientific feasts withincreasing and wide participation every year (Photo 1 an d 2).

Photo 1: The Geology Congress, 30.10.1952, from the meeting in the municipal casino; from left to right: Cavid Erentöz, Maam Chaput, Recep Egemen, Atife Dizer, Suat Erk, Nevin Okay, Ahmet Can Okay, BediaKetin an d İhsan Ketin. From Prof. Dr. Aral Okay`s archive)

Photo 2. the note of Ahmet Can Okay about the meeting

Until the 35th meeting in 1981, the official name of the Congress was "19xx Scientific and Technical Congress of the Geological institution of Turkey", in some years without giving the nameof the institutions "19xx Scientific and Technical Congress of the Geological institution of Turkey" was found as "19xx Scientific and Technical Council of Geology of Turkey"

After the establishment of the TMMOB Chamber of Geological Engineers in 1974, our chamber was first organized the congress in 1979 under the name of "Scientific and Technical Congress 1 for Geological Engineering in Turkey " an d then "Scientific and Technical Congress 2 for Geological Engineering in Turkey" in 1980. Due to themilitary coup in 1980, our chamber is unable to carry out the Congress it planned to hold in 1981. In 1982, for the first time, the Turkish Geological Institution and the TMMOB Chamber of Geological Engineers organizes thecongress under the name of “Turkish Geological Congress 1982 + 36th Geological Congress of Turkey”. In 1983 an d 1984, the institution an d our chamber holdtheir congresses separately on close dates. During the three-year period from1985 to 1988 until the "closure of the Geological institution of Turkey and its merger with our chamber", our Council is organized jointly by theGeological institution of Turkey and our Chamber.

“42nd Turkish Geological Congress in 1988” was Organized by the chamber which took over the tradition, under the presidency of Prof. Dr. Mehmet Akartuna. Since the Geology Institution of Turkey was closedan d merged with our Chamber in 1990, due to the purchase of the flat locatedat the address of Bayındır Sokak Kızılay / Ankara, which is currently servingour colleagues locally in order to carry out chamber services, an d due to thefailure to create sufficient resources for the organization of the convention, “Geological Congress of Turkey”, with serial no and date, is organized everyyear at the end of March an d April By increasing the number of participant and the number of journals.

From 1947 to the beginning of the 1980s, ourCouncil are held by a scientific an d technical board convened under the chairmanship of the chairman of the Board of Directors of the Geological institution of Turkey. Since the mid-1980s, parallel to the developments in thescientific meeting systematic in the world, the tradition of organisation by acommittee established under the chairmanship of an academic member an d thescientific and technical committee determined by this committee continuesuntil 2008. As of 2009, within the framework of a main theme determined in linewith the current geological research that concerns the society an d ourprofession, the referee opinions an d evaluations was taken by the congress organizing committee formed under the chairmanship of an academician member an d asystematic framework in which people from Turkey an d abroad who are competentin their fields are assigned by this board.

The students who guided what was stated by Hamit Nafiz Pamir in his opening speech in 1947, "When this society expands in the future, it publishes the studies in our journal to encouraget hese scientific studies, makes financial aid, an d establishes gold medals and rewards for the best studies to be done in various fields of geology " didn`t forget those who have contributed an d contributed to the geology communitysince 1979, an d gave Golden Hammer Science an d Geology Research/Article and Service Awards to the candidates who appliedo rrecommendedeach year an d identifed by the Board during the congress.

It should be noted that the Turkish GeologyJournal which was first published in 1947 in order to share what colleague shave produced with world geological community an d the Journal of Geological Engineering which was first published as of 1977 regularly as 3 periodscontinues to be the only professional organization that publishes two refereedscientific journals in 24 chambers affiliated to TMMOB by publishing it everyyear for 2 periods.

The "Geological Congress of Turkey", whose scientific level increases every year, in line with the goals and objectivesset by Hamit Nafiz PAMİR an d his friends, became one of the most important scientific meetings, it become one and only meeting held in the geologicalsciences community for more than 70 years regularly and one of the mostimportant scientific meetings in Europe, an d it has been one of the pridemeetings of our profession an d our country.

Ourdeepest gratitude an d regards to all those who have contributed to the Councilsince 1947…

With science, with labor, with hope, willfully

TMMOB Chamber of Geological Engineering
 Management Board

Note: This article has been prepared with the contribution of by Prof. Dr. Cemal GÖNCÜOĞLU,  Prof. Dr. Aral OKAY and  Prof. Dr. Yüksel ÖRGÜN TUTAY.



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